Jun-Aug 2016: Benedictine Monastery, St Paul, MN
Sep 2016-Jan 2017: “Community,” Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Minnetonka, MN
Jan-Feb 2018: “Community,” United Theological Seminary, New Brighton, MN
Dec 2018-Jan 2019: Mount Zion Temple, St Paul, MN
Where does community come from? How do we find or create a community? How are we shaped by our communities? We invited Christian artists to explore the theme of community with us. Our artworks were inspired by our studies with Christian, Jewish, and academic scholars. To help build community within the art group, two of the artists developed collaborative projects. Aimee Orkin designed a tablecloth and invited the other artists to create placements for a border around the table. Angela Heida created a teacup for each artist and incorporated their words in response to her question, “What fills your cup?”